Varg Vikernes and Marie Cachet on Diet, Nutrition, Sugar and Agriculture

Bitchute video – Bread Vending Machine


See also:

Varg Vikernes and Marie Cachet on Medicine, Hospitals, Health and Child Birth:


  1. 4+ years ago the Odalist crowd circulating around V.V. would have chided someone for merely consuming Cocoa for being a foreign substance not Native to Europe imported via Christian Colonialism.

    4+ Years later Chocolate candy is a super-food.

    Neither of these extremes is a good mentality nonetheless extremes is all they know apparently…

    A little over 3 years ago the Cachets lived near hunters which V.V. regularly brought processed game from (As he does not know how to hunt let alone process his meat despite what he has claimed).

    Roughly 3 years ago V.V. moved because of reasons… (I cannot elaborate as that is private info). Since having moved to a new house however, he no longer has Hunter neighbors to provide him fresh meat, V.V. won’t hunt & he can barely keep his own chickens alive let alone grow anything asides from Radishes & Chard.

    Where am I going with this?

    V.V. has an immense narcissism complex as we both know already, he cannot ever be in lower position in life in relation to someone else for that infuriates him, he must always manufacture narratives to justify having the best that life can offer, be it his car, his diet, his wife, etc.

    That being said he was living reasonably well back when he had just 5 children, yet ever since he decided having children wantonly without consequence to living costs was a good idea he has since felt the brunt of it, yet refuses to admit it because his ego will not permit him to admit reality.

    Sugar (Candies & Confections), Carbs (Breads), fatty junky foods are cheap & accessible, fresh vegetables, fish, meat & essential oils however, are expensive.

    Hence this incessant need to concoct an absurd narrative about their present diet being superior.

    I feel horrible for his children.

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